Make a donation to Angel Radio

Angel Radio is a volunteer-driven local radio station; our broadcasts are delivered by volunteer Presenters and a dedicated volunteer team 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Angel Radio supports communities large and small on DAB, FM and Online to communicate, inform, inspire and entertain; our listeners really value and rely on us providing a proper little oasis of nostalgia on air.

We value all the support given to us by you, and your donation will contribute directly towards this station’s future.

You can also donate monthly by completing a standing order form or a single one-off donation and, if you are a UK Taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid form.

Gift Aid Forms and FAQs

Do you pay UK tax? The Gift Aid scheme means that we can claim an extra 25% on top of your donation - and it won’t cost you a penny!

Gift Aid is a scheme enabling registered charities to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer, effectively increasing the amount of the donation. This means that, if you pay UK tax and agree to Angel Radio claiming Gift Aid on your donation, the Government will give us 25p on top of every £1 you give us and it doesn’t cost you a penny!

For Angel Radio to receive Gift Aid from the Government, we need to submit a Gift Aid claim to HMRC. This claim is made up of the details of every eligible donation made to Angel Radio alongside a valid Gift Aid Declaration from each individual donor.